Home > Diesel Gensets
Cooper Diesel Gensets
Above all else
Home or factory – power on with Cooper gensets!
Be it a small home, office, or a large factory, uninterrupted power is not a luxury but a necessity. However, power outages can never be ruled out owing to various disruptions. To avoid interruption in one’s life and work, it’s imperative to have reliable power backup.
Cooper Generators, one of the leading genset manufacturers in India offers best-in-class generators equipped with powerful and engine designed by Ricardo, UK. The generators offer power output ranging from 3.5KVA to 250KVA to suit the needs of every segment.
Cooper Diesel Gensets are
powered by Cooper Engines.

Clean and green
Compliant with CPCB IV+, EPA (US) and Stage 5 (Europe) emission norms.
Superior features for
high performance.
Wide Range of diesel
gensets – 3.5 kVA to
250 kVA
gensets – 3.5 kVA to
250 kVA
Cooling System
Options of air-cooled &
water-cooled systems
Options of air-cooled &
water-cooled systems
125+ sales and service
dealers across India
dealers across India
Exports to
40+ Countries
Dare to Compare
5 kVA - Diesel Genset
10 kVA - Diesel Genset
15 kVA - Diesel Genset
20 kVA - Diesel Genset
25 kVA - Diesel Genset
30 kVA - Diesel Genset
40 kVA - Diesel Genset
50 kVA - Diesel Genset
62.5 kVA - Diesel Genset
82.5 kVA - Diesel Genset
Note: Due to continuous improvement, the specifications given above are subject to change without prior intimation. All the Genset specifications conform to ISO 8528 standard. *Based on ISO3046 reference conditions with diesel fuel specific gravity of 0.85 and with a tolerance of +/- 5% at standard NTP operating conditions. *Electronic governing also available on select models.
When there is darkness,
let there be light.
Cooper Gensets serve the country’s defence sector ably. They are buit to work non-stop in extreme temperatures from -10°C to 55°C across rugged terrains.
Many engines are running 30,000 hours trouble-free, not requiring reconditioning
One engine can give it all.
1.2 ltr. engine – 16 HP in Diesel; 26 HP in LPG; 33 HP in CNG injector; 42 HP in CNG Turbo Charged Injector and 55 HP in Diesel.
1.2 ltr. engine – 16 HP in Diesel; 26 HP in LPG; 33 HP in CNG injector; 42 HP in CNG Turbo Charged Injector and 55 HP in Diesel.